You might to upgrade an exitsing user to able to securely connect to server using SFTP (22) protocol instead of FTP (21). Before proeeding you might want to check if your current user has "ftp-user" privlidge or not.
In order to check that you can run the following command into the ubuntu server:
groups USER_NAME
If you see "ftp-user" in the output only then you should proceed further.
Moving forward, you can ssh into your server already using root user and open the following file:
At the end of the file, copy & paste the follwing code:
Match User user
ForceCommand internal-sftp
PasswordAuthentication yes
PermitTunnel no
AllowAgentForwarding no
AllowTcpForwarding no
X11Forwarding no
Replace user with the username from above. Finally, save the configuration and restart SSH service
sudo systemctl restart ssh
That is it! You can now log into server using port 22 on the same "user" and also be able to access the Filezilla securely.